


    学习心得 语风汉语学生Jennifer 我叫Jennifer,我非常喜欢在语风汉语无锡校学习汉语,这是一个非常好的学...

    语风汉语无锡校 Zack
    学习心得 语风汉语无锡校 Zack 我叫Zack,我是法国人,无锡语风汉教中心是一个学习中国文化和对外汉语的好...

    学习心得 语风汉语学生Kevin 语风汉语是一个最理想的学习汉语和中国文化的好地方,学校给我们提供了很多...

    学习心得 语风汉语学生Florent 我非常喜欢无锡语风汉语学校,这里真的有最简单的汉语学习方法,我学习汉...

    学习心得 语风汉语学生Brad 我叫Brad,我是澳大利亚人,我再语风汉语学校学习汉语。我现在可以独立和我的...

    学习心得 苏州汉语学生Jude 我叫Jude,在苏州语风汉语学校学习汉语,我也在无锡语风汉语学校学习过很长时间...

    学习心得 无锡语风汉语学校Jessie 我学习汉语已经八年了,我能听明白别人说汉语,但是我自己说汉语却觉得说...

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      Wuxi Mandarin Education School

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      Hanzi (Simplified)



      哎哟  āiyō  oh; ah

      哎  āi  alas

      挨  ái  suffer; endure

      癌  ái  cancer; carcinoma

      安  ān  settle; stabilize; settled; stable

      安定  āndìng  stable; stabilize

      安装  ānzhuāng  install; erect

      按期  ànqī  on schedule; on time

      暗暗  àn'àn  secretly

      熬  áo  decoct; boil; endure; hold out

      奥秘  àomì  mystery; enigma

      扒  bā  push aside; hold on to; strip off; dig up

      把  bǎ  hold; grasp; control

      把握  bǎwò  grasp; hold; certainty; assurance

      坝  bà  dam; dyke; embankment

      罢  bà  dismiss; cease; stop

      罢工  bà gōng  strike; walk out

      白白  báibái  for nothing; in vain; to no purpose

      百货  bǎihuò  general merchandise

      柏树  bǎishù  cypress

      摆脱  bǎituō  free oneself from; get rid of

      拜访  bàifǎng  pay a visit; call on

      拜会  bàihuì  pay an official visit; call on

      般  bān  kind; sort; way; -like

      瓣  bàn  valve; petal; segment; section

      半岛  bàndǎo  peninsula

      办理  bànlǐ  handle; conduct; deal with

      帮  bāng  gang; band; group; secret society

      绑  bǎng  bind; tie up

      棒  bàng  bar; stick; club

      棒  bàng  good; strong

      镑  bàng  pound

      包袱  bāofu  a bundle wrapped in cloth; burden

      包含  bāohán  contain; embody; include

      包围  bāowéi  surround; encircle

      剥  bāo  shell; peel; skin

      保管  bǎoguǎn  keep; take care of; storekeeper

      保密  bǎo mì  keep secret; maintain secrecy

      保守  bǎoshǒu  guard; keep; conservative

      保险  bǎoxiǎn  safe; be sure; insurance

      保障  bǎozhàng  ensure; guarantee; protection

      宝  bǎo  precious things; treasure

      宝石  bǎoshí  precious stone; gem

      报  bào  report; announce; declare

      报仇  bàochóu  revenge; avenge

      报酬  bàochou  reward; pay

      报复  bàofù  retaliate; revenge; retaliation; reprisal

      报刊  bàokān  newspapers and periodicals; the press

      报社  bàoshè  newspaper office

      暴露  bàolù  expose; lay bare; divulge; undress

      暴雨  bàoyǔ  rainstorm; downpour

      爆发  bàofā  erupt; burst out; break out

      爆炸  bàozhà  explode; blow up

      悲哀  bēi'āi  sad; sorrowful; grieved

      悲观  bēiguān  pessimistic

      辈  bèi  generation

      背包  bēibāo  knapsack; backpack; rucksack

      背景  bèijǐng  background; backdrop

      背诵  bèisòng  recite

      背心  bèixīn  vest; jersey; tank

      被动  bèidòng  passive

      被迫  bèi pò  be compelled; be forced

      奔  bēn  run; rush

      奔跑  bēnpǎo  run; run about

      本人  běnrén  I; me; myself; oneself

      本身  běnshēn  itself; in itself

      奔  bèn  go straight towards; approach; go about doing sth.

      甭  béng  don't; needn't

      比方  bǐfang  instance; analogy

      笔试  bǐshì  written examination

      彼此  bǐcǐ  each other; one another

      毕竟  bìjìng  after all; when all is said and done; in the end

      闭幕  bìmù  close; conclude

      必  bì  certainly; surely; definitely; necessarily

      必定  bìdìng  undoubtedly; certainly; surely

      必修  bìxiū  compulsory; required; obligatory

      必需  bìxū  necessarily need; be essential

      壁  bì  wall

      边疆  biānjiāng  border area; borderland; frontier

      边界  biānjiè  bound; boundary; border

      边缘  biānyuán  edge; fringe; brink

      编辑  biānjí  edit; compile; editor; compiler

      编制  biānzhì  weave; plait; braid; work out; draw up; size of staff

      便利  biànlì  convenient; easy; facilitate

      便于  biànyú  be easy; be convenient

      变动  biàndòng  alter; change; alteration

      变革  biàngé  change; transform; transformation

      辩论  biànlùn  argue; debate; argument

      标语  biāoyǔ  slogan; poster

      标志  biāozhì  indicate; mark; sign; symbol

      表情  biǎoqíng  expression

      别  bié  stick in; fasten with a pin or clip; leave; part

      别处  biéchù  another place; elsewhere

      别字  biézì  wrongly written or mispronounced character

      冰棍儿  bīnggùnr  popsicle

      柄  bǐng  handle of sth.

      丙  bǐng  the third of the ten Heavenly Stems; third

      饼  bǐng  round flat cake

      病床  bìngchuáng  hospital bed; sickbed

      病情  bìngqíng  state of an illness; patient's condition

      剥削  bōxuē  exploit; exploitation

      播  bō  sow; seed; broadcast; spread

      播送  bōsòng  broadcast; beam

      拨  bō  move sth. with hand, foot, or stick; turn; dial; assign

      波浪  bōlàng  water wave

      菠菜  bōcài  spinach

      博士  bóshì  one who holds the degree of doctor

      博物馆  bówùguǎn  museum

      薄弱  bóruò  weak; frail

      不安  bù'ān  uneasy; disturbed

      不比  bùbǐ  be unlike

      不曾  bùcéng  have never done sth.

      不对  bú duì  not right; wrong; incorrect

      不够  búgòu  not enough; insufficient; inadequate

      不顾  búgù  have no consideration for; have no regard for

      不见  bújiàn  vanish; disappear; not see; not meet

      不见得  bù jiàndé  not necessarily; not likely

      不禁  bùjīn  cannot help; cannot refrain from.

      不觉  bújué  unknowingly; unawares

      不可  bùkě  cannot; should not; must not

      不利  búlì  disadvantageous; unfavorable

      不料  búliào  unexpectedly; to one's surprise

      不满  bùmǎn  be dissatisfied; be unsatisfied; unsatisfied

      不免  bùmiǎn  inevitably; would naturally

      不是  búshi  mistake; fault; blame

      不是 而是  bùshì … érshì …  not … but …

      不是 就是  bùshì … jiùshì …  either … or …

      不停  bùtíng  ceaselessly; constantly; on and on

      不象话  búxiànghuà  unreasonable; outrageous; shocking

      不由得  bùyóude  can't help; cannot but

      不在乎  bù zàihu  not mind; not care

      不怎么样  bù zěnmeyàng  not so good; not particularly good; pretty bad

      不止  bùzhǐ  be not limited to; be more than; not stop

      不只  bùzhǐ  not only; not merely

      不足  bùzú  not enough; insufficient; inadequate

      布告  bùgào  notice; bulletin; edict

      步骤  bùzhòu  step; move; measure

      部署  bùshǔ  dispose; deploy; deployment; plan

      猜想  cāixiǎng  suppose; speculate; guess; supposition

      裁缝  cáifeng  dressmaker; tailor

      裁判  cáipàn  judge; umpire; act as referee; referee

      才  cái  talent; ability

      才能  cáinéng  talent; ability; capacity

      财产  cáichǎn  property; possessions

      财富  cáifù  riches; wealth

      财政  cáizhèng  government finance; public economy

      餐车  cānchē  dinning car; restaurant car

      参考  cānkǎo  refer to; consult

      参谋  cānmóu  give advice; brain man; advisor

      蚕  cán  silkworm

      残酷  cánkù  cruel; brutal

      惭愧  cánkuì  ashamed

      惨  cǎn  miserable; tragic; cruel; inhumane

      灿烂  cànlàn  bright; splendid; brilliant; magnificent

      苍白  cāngbái  pale; wan; pallid

      苍蝇  cāngying  fly; housefly

      舱  cāng  cabin; hold

      仓库  cāngkù  storehouse; warehouse

      操心  cāo xīn  bother; worry about; take pains

      操纵  cāozòng  handle; control; operate; manipulate; rig

      操作  cāozuò  operate; manipulate

      草案  cǎo'àn  protocol; draft (of a plan, decree, regulation, etc.)

      侧  cè  side; turn sideways; incline to one side

      测  cè  measure; survey; fathom; test; exam

      测量  cèliáng  measure; survey; gauge

      测试  cèshì  test; examine; trial; testing

      插秧  chā yāng  transplant rice seedlings

      差别  chābié  difference; disparity; distinction

      茶馆  cháguǎn  teahouse

      茶话会  cháhuàhuì  tea party

      茶叶  cháyè  tea leaf; tea

      铲  chǎn  spade; shovel

      产物  chǎnwù  outcome; result; product

      产值  chǎnzhí  output value; value of output

      颤动  chàndòng  vibrate; quiver; shake

      颤抖  chàndǒu  tremble; shiver; shake

      常识  chángshí  common sense; general knowledge

      长度  chángdù  length

      长久  chángjiǔ  long-lasting; long time; prolonged

      长远  chángyuǎn  long-distant; long-term; long-range

      肠  cháng  intestine; sausage

      厂长  chǎngzhǎng  director of a factory

      场地  chǎngdì  space; place; site; ground

      场合  chǎnghé  occasion; situation

      场面  chǎngmiàn  scene; spectacle; occasion; appearance

      超额  chāo'é  exceed the quota

      钞票  chāopiào  bill; note; paper currency

      潮  cháo  tide; tidewater; upheaval; current

      潮湿  cháoshī  wet; humid; damp; moist

      吵架  chǎo jià  quarrel; wrangle; bicker; squabble

      炒  chǎo  stir-fry; fry; sauté; speculate illegally

      车辆  chēliàng  vehicles; automobiles

      车厢  chēxiāng  railway carriage; railroad car

      扯  chě  tear; pull; drag; chat; chitchat

      撤  chè  evacuate; withdraw; remove; dismiss

      尘土  chéntǔ  dust

      沉  chén  sink; heavy

      沉思  chénsī  muse; ponder; meditate; contemplate

      沉重  chénzhòng  heavy

      陈列  chénliè  display; exhibit; show

      撑  chēng  support; prop up; pole; open; unfurl; endure

      称呼  chēnghu  call; address; name; term of address

      成  chéng  one tenth; one out of ten

      成本  chéngběn  cost

      成千上万  chéng qiān shàng wàn  thousands of; large quantity of

      成天  chéngtiān  all day long; all the time

      成语  chéngyǔ  idiom; concise and meaningful set phrase

      成员  chéngyuán  member

      乘客  chéngkè  passenger

      盛  chéng  fill; ladle; hold; contain

      程序  chéngxù  procedure; process; program

      承包  chéngbāo  contract (with); assume full responsibility

      承担  chéngdān  undertake; bear

      吃苦  chī kǔ  bear hardships; suffer

      吃亏  chī kuī  suffer losses; be in an unfavorable situation

      吃力  chīlì  strenuous; painstaking; tiring; wearing

      持久  chíjiǔ  enduring; lasting; persistent

      池  chí  pool; pond; moat

      迟  chí  late; slow; tardy

      尺寸  chǐcun  size; dimensions

      尺子  chǐzi  ruler; rule

      赤道  chìdào  equator

      充实  chōngshí  substantial; rich; substantiate; enrich; fill

      冲击  chōngjī  impact; shock; pound; attack; interfere

      冲突  chōngtū  collide; conflict; clash; collision

      冲  chòng  face; be towards; towards; to; because of

      仇  chóu  hatred; enmity

      仇恨  chóuhèn  hate; hatred; animosity; rancor

      丑  chǒu  ugly; unsightly; bad-looking; detestable; shameful

      初期  chūqī  beginning period; early days; initial stage

      初中  chūzhōng  junior middle school; junior high school

      出路  chūlù  way out; outlet

      出卖  chūmài  betray; sell out; sell

      出门  chū mén  go out; leave home for a long journey

      出难题  chū nántí  raise a tough question; present a difficult problem

      出身  chūshēn  be born into; origin; family background

      出事  chū shì  have an accident; meet with a mishap

      出息  chūxi  prospect; aspiration; promise

      出洋相  chū yángxiàng  make a laughing stock of oneself

      出租  chūzū  hire out; rent out; let

      除  chú  besides; in addition to; except

      除非  chúfēi  unless; barring; only if

      处于  chǔyú  be in (a certain situation, state, or condition)

      处处  chùchù  everywhere; in all respects

      传达  chuándá  convey; transmit; communicate

      传染  chuánrǎn  infect; be contagious

      传说  chuánshuō  pass on (a story); people say; legend; folk tale

      喘  chuǎn  pant; breathe heavily

      串  chuàn  string together; mix up; bunch; cluster

      窗口  chuāngkǒu  window

      窗帘  chuānglián  window curtain

      窗台  chuāngtái  windowsill

      床单  chuángdān  bed sheet

      创立  chuànglì  found; establish; initiate

      创新  chuàngxīn  innovate; innovation; creativity; fresh idea

      垂  chuí  droop; hang downward; hand down; approach

      垂直  chuízhí  be vertical; be perpendicular

      春季  chūnjì  spring season; spring; season of spring; spring time

      纯  chún  pure; unmixed

      纯洁  chúnjié  pure; unadulterated; purify; cleanse

      瓷  cí  porcelain; china

      词汇  cíhuì  vocabulary; words and phrases

      此刻  cǐkè  this moment; at this moment

      刺激  cìjī  stimulate; irritate; provoke; stimulus; provocation

      次  cì  not good; inferior; second; next

      次要  cìyào  secondary; less important; subordinate; minor

      伺候  cìhou  wait upon; serve

      匆忙  cōngmáng  hurried; hasty

      从容  cóngróng  leisurely; calm; plentiful; sufficient; enough

      丛  cóng  clump; tussock; thicket; grove; crowd; collection

      凑  còu  move close to; gather together; collect; pool

      粗心  cūxīn  careless; thoughtless

      粗心大意  cūxīn dàyì  careless; inadvertent; negligent

      促使  cùshǐ  urge; impel; push; spur

      窜  cuàn  flee; scurry; change (wording)

      摧毁  cuīhuǐ  destroy; smash; wreck; knock out; devastate

      村庄  cūnzhuāng  village; hamlet

      村子  cūnzi  village; hamlet

      搓  cuō  twist; twine; rub; scrub

      挫折  cuòzhé  setback; reverse; defeat; frustration

      错字  cuòzì  wrong character

      答复  dáfù  reply; answer

      达  dá  extend; reach; attain; understand; express

      达成  dá chéng  reach (agreement); conclude (negotiation)

      打  dǎ  from; since

      打败  dǎ bài  defeat; beat; be defeated

      打击  dǎjī  strike; hit; attack; pound; frustrate

      打架  dǎ jià  fight; scuffle; fistfight; tussle

      打交道  dǎ jiāodao  come into contact with; have dealings with

      打量  dǎliàng  look up and down; check out; examine with the eye

      打破  dǎ pò  break; smash

      打扫  dǎsǎo  clean; sweep

      打仗  dǎ zhàng  go to war; make war; fight

      打招呼  dǎzhāohu  notify; warn; greet sb.; say hello

      大半  dàbàn  over half; majority; most likely; probably

      大便  dàbiàn  excrement; stool; feces; shit

      大大  dàdà  greatly; enormously

      大道  dàdào  wide street; thoroughfare; boulevard; broad way

      大地  dàdì  earth; mother earth; ground

      大都  dàdū  almost all; mostly; for the most part

      大队  dàduì  group; production brigade; battalion; regiment

      大方  dàfāng  of good taste; generous; natural and poised

      大哥  dàgē  eldest brother; elder brother

      大力  dàlì  in great force; forcefully; vigorously

      大脑  dànǎo  cerebrum

      大嫂  dàsǎo  sister-in-law; eldest brother's wife; elder sister

      大使  dàshǐ  ambassador

      大意  dàyì  main idea; general idea; gist; main points

      大致  dàzhì  general; rough; overall

      大众  dàzhòng  masses; general public; common people

      大自然  dǎzìrán  nature

      带儿  dàir  string; ribbon; belt; strap

      带动  dàidòng  lead; drive

      带领  dàilǐng  lead; guide; direct

      带头  dài tóu  be the first; take the lead

      代  dài  take the place of; be in place of

      代办  dàibàn  agency; commission; act for another

      代价  dàijià  cost; price; expense

      代理  dàilǐ  act as an agent; deputize

      待遇  dàiyù  treatment; compensation; pay; wage; salary

      逮捕  dàibǔ  arrest; apprehend; capture; nab

      耽误  dānwu  fail or delay sth. because of unplanned events

      担  dān  carry on a shoulder pole; undertake; shoulder

      担负  dānfù  shoulder; take on; undertake

      单纯  dānchún  simple; pure; uncomplicated

      单独  dāndú  alone; lone; solitary

      胆  dǎn  gallbladder; courage; nerve; bladder

      诞生  dànshēng  be born; come into being; be founded

      蛋白质  dànbáizhì  protein

      当  dāng  should; ought to; must

      当初  dāngchū  in the beginning; at that time; originally

      当代  dāngdài  present time; contemporary age; nowadays

      当家  dāng jiā  manage household matters; keep house

      当面  dāng miàn  face to face; in sb.'s presence

      当中  dāngzhōng  (in the) center; (in the) middle

      党派  dǎngpài  party groupings; factions; cliques; clans;

      党委  dǎngwěi  Party committee

      档案  dàng'àn  files; archives; records; dossiers

      倒霉  dǎo méi  be unlucky; have bad luck

      倒腾  dǎoteng  move around; rummage; buy low and sell high

      岛屿  dǎoyǔ  islands and islets

      导弹  dǎodàn  guided missile

      导师  dǎoshī  teacher; tutor; supervisor; mentor; adviser

      导演  dǎoyǎn  director; direct

      导致  dǎozhì  lead to; bring about; result in; cause

      到…为止  dào … wéizhǐ  up to …; up till …; until …

      得病  dé bìng  get sick; fall ill; contract a disease

      得了  dé le  a remark made for an all-right situation

      得意  dé yì  complacent; conceited; pleased with oneself

      灯火  dēnghuǒ  lights

      灯笼  dēnglong  lantern

      蹬  déng  pedal; step on; press with the foot

      等到  děngdào  by the time; when

      等候  děnghòu  wait; await; expect

      瞪  dèng  stare; glare with displeasure

      凳子  dèngzi  stool; bench

      堤  dī  dike; embankment

      滴  dī  drip; drop

      抵  dǐ  support; set off; be equal to; compensate; reach

      抵抗  dǐkàng  resist; stand up to; counteract; withstand

      底  dǐ  bottom; base; end; background; draft; record

      底片  dǐpiàn  negative

      地板  dìbǎn  wooden floor; floor board

      地步  dìbù  condition; plight; extent; degree;

      地道  dìdao  genuine; real; authentic; pure; up to standard

      地理  dìlǐ  geography; the natural and social features of a place

      地势  dìshì  terrain; topography in terms of strategic significance

      地毯  dìtǎn  carpet; rug

      地形  dìxíng  terrain; landform; the shape of land surface

      地震  dìzhèn  earthquake; seism

      地质  dìzhì  geology

      地主  dìzhǔ  landlord; landowner; host

      弟兄  dìxiong  brothers

      典礼  diǎnlǐ  ceremony; celebration; ritual; rite

      典型  diǎnxíng  typical case; model; typical; representative

      电池  diànchí  battery; electric cell

      电力  diànlì  electric power

      电铃  diànlíng  electric bell

      电流  diànliú  electric current; electric current intensity

      电炉  diànlú  electric stove; hot plate; electric furnace

      电脑  diànnǎo  computer

      电器  diànqì  electric appliance; electric device

      电线  diànxiàn  electric wire; electric cord

      电压  diànyā  voltage; electric potential difference

      电子  diànzǐ  electron

      惦记  diànjì  be concerned about; keep thinking about

      垫  diàn  underlay; pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later

      奠定  diàndìng  establish; found; build up (a foundation)

      雕刻  diāokè  carve; engrave; sculpt; work of carving

      调动  diàodòng  transfer; move; redeploy; mobilize; arouse; actuate

      爹  diē  dad; daddy; pa; father

      叠  dié  fold; pile up

      丁  dīng  the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems; fourth

      盯  dīng  gaze at; stare at; fix one's eyes on

      钉  dīng  follow closely; tail behind; urge; press

      钉子  dīngzi  nail

      顶  dǐng  very; most; extremely; highly; greatly

      顶  dǐng  measure word for caps, hats, tents, etc.

      定期  dìngqī  regular schedule; at regular intervals; periodical

      订婚(定婚)  dìng hūn  engage (to get married); be betrothed to

      冬季  dōngjì  winter season; winter; season of winter; winter time

      懂事  dǒng shì  be intelligent; be sensible; be understanding

      动机  dòngjī  motive; intention; motivation; inner drive

      动静  dòngjìng  sound and movement; activity; happening

      动力  dònglì  motivity; driving force; motive power; impetus

      动摇  dòngyáo  waver; vacillate; shake

      抖  dǒu  tremble; quiver; shake; jerk; expose; rouse

      陡  dǒu  steep; precipitous

      斗  dòu  fight; contest with; make animals fight; denounce

      豆浆  dòujiāng  soya-bean milk

      豆子  dòuzi  bean; pea; pulse; legume

      毒  dú  poisonous; toxic; malicious; cruel; poison

      毒  dú  poison; toxin; narcotics

      独特  dútè  unique; distinctive; original

      独自  dúzì  alone; by oneself

      读物  dúwù  reading material; books, magazines, etc.

      端  duān  extremity; end; beginning; reason; cause

      端正  duānzhèng  upright; regular; balanced; correct; rectify

      堆  duī  pile; stack; heap; crowd

      堆积  duījī  pile up; heap up; accumulate

      兑换  duìhuàn  exchange; convert (currencies)

      队员  duìyuán  team member

      对…来说  duì … láishuō  as far as … be concerned; to … (someone)

      对得起  duìdeqǐ  not let down; treat sb. fairly; be worthy of

      对了  duìle  by the way; oh yes

      对立  duìlì  oppose; counter; go against

      对门  duìmén  opposite building or room

      顿时  dùnshí  immediately; at once; suddenly

      哆嗦  duōsuo  shiver; tremble; quiver

      多半  duōbàn  most likely; probably

      多亏  duōkuī  be lucky to; it is fortunate that; thanks to; luckily

      多劳多得  duō láo duō dé  more pay for more work

      多余  duōyú  unnecessary; needless; uncalled for; surplus

      夺取  duóqǔ  seize; capture; wrest; strive for

      俄语(俄文)  éyǔ  Russian language

      恶心  ěxin  feel like vomiting; feel sick; be disgusted

      恶  è  bad; evil; criminal; wicked; vicious; ruthless

      恶化  èhuà  worsen; deteriorate; exacerbate

      恶劣  èliè  very bad; vile; abominable; odious; disgusting

      儿女  érnǚ  sons and daughters; children

      发电  fā diàn  generate electricity

      发觉  fājué  become aware; sense; realize; discover; detect

      发射  fāshè  launch; discharge; shoot; fire; transmit

      发行  fāxíng  distribute; publish; issue; release

      发育  fāyù  develop; grow (especially in puberty)

      罚  fá  punish; penalize; discipline

      法令  fǎlìng  laws and decrees; collection of statutes

      法院  fǎyuàn  court; court of law; court of justice; tribunal

      法制  fǎzhì  legal system; legal institutions

      法子  fǎzi  way; method; solution

      番  fān  time; kind; sort; measure word for abstract things

      翻身  fān shēn  roll over; turn over (in bed); emancipate oneself

      繁殖  fánzhí  propagate; breed; reproduce

      凡是  fánshì  every; any; all; without exception

      烦  fán  vexed; annoyed; trouble; be tired of; be fed up

      反  fǎn  opposite; rebellious; oppose; return; reverse; rebel

      反  fǎn  on the contrary; instead

      反而  fǎn'ér  on the contrary; instead

      反击  fǎnjī  counter-attack; fight back; strike back; beat back

      反问  fǎnwèn  raise a rhetorical question; ask (a question) in reply

      返  fǎn  return; come or go back

      犯人  fànrén  prisoner; convict; (convicted) criminal

      犯罪  fàn zuì  commit a crime

      饭馆  fànguǎn  restaurant; eatery; luncheonette

      泛滥  fànlàn  flood; overflow; spread unchecked

      方  fāng  square; direction; side; party; place

      房屋  fángwū  houses and rooms; buildings

      防守  fángshǒu  defend and keep; guard

      防御  fángyù  defend and resist; guard

      防治  fángzhì  prevent and treat (diseases)

      妨碍  fáng'ài  hinder; hamper; obstruct; impede; make difficult

      纺  fǎng  spin; make thread by drawing out and twisting

      放手  fàng shǒu  let go; relinquish; give a free hand, go all out

      放松  fàngsōng  loosen; relax; slacken; become less attentive

      放学  fàng xué  classes are over; students leave school after classes

      放映  fàngyìng  show (a film); present images through projection

      非  fēi  not; must; have to; simply; it is imperative that

      非  fēi  wrong; mistaken; erroneous; non-

      飞快  fēikuài  swiftly; very fast; rapid; extremely sharp

      飞行  fēixíng  fly (a plane, a spacecraft, etc.); travel by air

      飞跃  fēiyuè  leap; bound; jump; fast and great progress

      肥料  féiliào  fertilizer; manure

      肥皂  féizào  soap

      废  fèi  useless; disused; waste; abandon; abolish; ruin

      废除  fèichú  abolish; annul; abrogate; disestablish

      废话  fèihuà  nonsense; superfluous words; foolish discourse

      废墟  fèixū  ruins; remains of a place destroyed

      沸腾  fèiténg  boil; reach ebullition; seethe with excitement

      费力  fèi lì  be strenuous; use or need to use a lot of effort

      分布  fēnbù  be distributed; be scattered; be dispersed

      分割  fēngē  separate; cut apart; carve up; divide up

      分工  fēn gōng  division of labor; divide up the work

      分解  fēnjiě  decompose; resolve; break down; recount

      分离  fēnlí  dissociate; separate; sever; part; leave

      分裂  fēnliè  split; break up; divide; separate

      分泌  fēnmì  secrete

      分明  fēnmíng  clear; distinct; obvious; plain

      分散  fēnsàn  distract; divert; decentralize; disperse; distribute

      分数  fēnshù  score; mark; grade; point; fractional number

      分子  fēnzǐ  molecule; numerator

      坟  fén  tomb; grave

      粉  fěn  powder; face powder; vermicelli made from starch

      粉碎  fěnsuì  break into pieces; grind; smash; shatter; crush

      分量  fènliàng  weight

      分子  fènzǐ  member; element

      粪  fèn  excrement; feces; shit; droppings; dung

      丰产  fēngchǎn  yield abundantly; produce plentifully

      丰收  fēngshōu  reap a bumper harvest; have a good harvest

      封  fēng  seal; cap; close down; blockade

      封锁  fēngsuǒ  blockade; seal off; cut off from the outside world

      风格  fēnggé  style; character; integrity

      风气  fēngqì  social atmosphere; common practice; ethos

      疯  fēng  crazy; mad; insane; deranged

      疯狂  fēngkuáng  crazy; maniac; mad; wild; frenzied; unbridled

      缝  féng  sew; stitch

      讽刺  fěngcì  satirize; ridicule; mock

      佛教  fójiào  Buddhism

      夫妻  fūqī  husband and wife; couple

      服  fú  take (medicine); obey; be convinced; convince

      俯  fǔ  bow one's head; bend over, forward, or down

      腐蚀  fǔshí  erode; corrode; corrupt; pervert

      腐朽  fǔxiǔ  rotten; decayed; moldering; degenerate; decadent

      复活节  fùhuójié  Easter

      复制  fùzhì  reproduce; copy; duplicate

      负  fù  shoulder; bear; rely on; suffer; betray; lose; owe

      负担  fùdān  shoulder; bear; carry; burden; load; weight

      富有  fùyǒu  wealthy; rich; affluent; be rich in; be full of

      富裕  fùyù  prosperous; well-to-do; well-off; rich

      妇人  fùrén  woman; married woman

      改编  gǎibiān  adapt; transcribe; revise; reorganize; recompose

      改良  gǎiliáng  improve; better; reform; amend;

      盖子  gàizi  lid; cover; cap; top; shell

      干旱  gānhàn  arid; droughty; dry

      干扰  gānrǎo  interfere; disturb; obstruct; interference; disturbance

      干涉  gānshè  interfere; intervene; intermeddle

      甘  gān  sweet; pleasant

      赶忙  gǎnmáng  hurriedly; hastily

      赶上  gǎn shàng  catch up with; be in time for

      感受  gǎnshòu  be affected by; taste; feel; experience; feeling

      敢于  gǎnyú  have the courage to; dare to; be bold in

      干劲  gànjìn  vigor; drive; enthusiasm; energy

      缸  gāng  jar; vat; big container made of pottery, porcelain, etc.

      纲领  gānglǐng  guiding principle; program; platform

      岗位  gǎngwèi  post; station

      港币  gǎngbì  Hong Kong dollar; currency of Hong Kong

      港口  gǎngkǒu  port; harbor

      高潮  gāocháo  high tide; upsurge; climax

      高等  gāoděng  higher; advanced

      高峰  gāofēng  peak; pinnacle; acme; apex; zenith

      高级  gāojí  higher-grade; high-quality; advanced; high-ranking

      高粱  gāoliang  Chinese sorghum

      高尚  gāoshàng  noble; lofty; sublime

      高速  gāosù  high-speed; express; rapid

      高压  gāoyā  high-pressure; high-voltage; oppressive

      高中  gāozhōng  senior high school

      稿  gǎo  draft; sketch; manuscript; original text; article

      告辞  gàocí  say good-bye; bid farewell; take leave

      歌唱  gēchàng  sing; praise through singing

      歌剧  gējù  (Western-style) opera

      歌曲  gēqǔ  song

      歌颂  gēsòng  sing the high praises of; extol; eulogize

      鸽子  gēzi  pigeon; dove

      革新  géxīn  innovate; improve; innovation

      格外  géwài  especially; particularly; all the more

      隔阂  géhé  estrangement; misunderstanding; gulf; barrier

      个儿  gèr  height; stature; size; physical dimensions

      个体户  gètǐhù  self-employed worker

      个性  gèxìng  personality; individuality; character

      各式各样  gè shì gè yàng  of all styles and types; all kinds of

      各自  gèzì  each; respective

      给以  gěiyǐ  give (sth.); grant (sth.)

      根源  gēnyuán  origin; root; source

      耕地  gēngdì  arable land; cultivated land

      工地  gōngdì  construction site; building site

      工龄  gōnglíng  years of employment; seniority

      工钱  gōngqian  pay; charge for a service; money paid for odd jobs

      工序  gōngxù  working procedure; process

      攻  gōng  attack; take the offensive; accuse; diligently study

      攻击  gōngjī  accuse; vilify; assume the offensive; attack; onset

      攻克  gōngkè  capture; take; seize; overcome

      功课  gōngkè  school work; homework; assignment

      功劳  gōngláo  credit; contribution; outstanding service

      功能  gōngnéng  function; functionality; feature

      供应  gōngyìng  supply; provide; accommodate

      公  gōng  public; common; fair; public affairs; official business

      公安  gōng'ān  public security

      公布  gōngbù  make public; promulgate; announce; publicize

      公民  gōngmín  citizen

      公顷  gōngqǐng  hectare

      公式  gōngshì  formula; any established or conventional method

      公用  gōngyòng  for public use; public; communal; shared

      宫  gōng  imperial palace; place for cultural activities; uterus

      宫殿  gōngdiàn  imperial palace

      弓  gōng  bow; bend; arch

      共和国  gònghéguó  republic

      共青团  gòngqīngtuán  Communist Youth League

      钩  gōu  hook; crochet

      钩子  gōuzi  hook; hook-like object; tick; check mark

      勾结  gōujié  collude; collaborate; gang up

      沟  gōu  ditch; channel; trench; rut; waterway; gully; ravine

      购  gòu  buy; purchase

      购买  gòumǎi  buy; purchase

      辜负  gūfù  let down; fail to live up to; be unworthy of; disappoint

      孤立  gūlì  isolated; isolate

      鼓动  gǔdòng  fan; flap; arouse; agitate; incite; stir up

      古典  gǔdiǎn  classical

      骨干  gǔgàn  backbone; mainstay; key member

      谷子  gǔzi  millet

      股  gǔ  strand; stream; burst; section; share; group;

      雇  gù  employ; hire; rent

      顾问  gùwèn  consultant; adviser

      固定  gùdìng  fixed; regular; predetermined; fix; fasten; regularize

      固然  gùrán  it is true; admittedly; no doubt; indeed; certainly

      固体  gùtǐ  solid; solid body

      瓜  guā  melon; gourd

      瓜子  guāzi  melon seed

      寡妇  guǎfu  widow

      乖  guāi  obedient; well-behaved; good; clever; shrewd; lovely

      拐弯  guǎi wānr  turn a corner; make a turn; change direction

      怪  guài  blame; complain; accuse; impute

      怪  guài  quite; rather; very

      怪不得  guài bu de  no wonder; so that's why; put no blame on

      关  guān  col; pass; juncture; barrier; difficulty; critical part

      关怀  guānhuái  care for; show solicitude for; be concerned about

      关头  guāntóu  juncture; key moment; critical point

      官僚主义  guānliáozhǔyì  bureaucracy

      观测  guāncè  observe and survey; observe; watch

      观看  guānkàn  watch; see; view; observe; spectate

      观念  guānniàn  concept; idea; thought; sense; ideology

      管子  guǎnzī  pipeline; piping; conduit; tubing

      管道  guǎndào  tube; pipe; hose

      罐  guàn  pot; jar; pitcher; jug

      惯  guàn  used to; conditioned to; habitual; indulge; spoil

      灌  guàn  fill; pour; irrigate; record

      灌溉  guàngài  irrigate

      光  guāng  bare; be naked; wear nothing; glorify; bring honor to

      光彩  guāngcǎi  luster; splendor; brilliance; gloss; honorable; glorious

      光滑  guānghuá  smooth; sleek; glossy; slippery

      光临  guānglín  visit as an honorable guest

      广  guǎng  wide; broad; vast; extensive; numerous

      规划  guīhuà  plan; program; layout; project; blueprint

      规矩  guīju  rule; manner; custom; decent; conforming to norms

      规则  guīzé  rule; law; regulation; regular; orderly

      归  guī  return; come or go back; give back; belong to

      轨道  guǐdào  track; rail; orbit; trajectory

      柜台  guìtái  counter; bar

      柜子  guìzi  cupboard; cabinet; closet; dresser; chest

      贵宾  guì bīn  honored guest; distinguished guest

      棍子  gùnzi  stick; rod; wand

      锅炉  guōlú  boiler

      国防  guófáng  national defense

      国籍  guójí  nationality; citizenship; national identity

      国旗  guóqí  national flag

      国庆节  guóqìngjié  National Day

      国务院  guówùyuàn  State Council (in China); State Department (in the US)

      国营  guóyíng  state-run; state-owned; state-operated

      果实  guǒshí  fruit; fruits; gains

      果树  guǒshù  fruit tree

      裹  guǒ  wrap; bind; mix and carry

      过  guò  exceedingly; unduly; excessively

      过渡  guòdù  change from one state or stage to another

      过分  guòfèn  excessive; undue; extravagant

      咳  hāi  an interjection to express sadness, regret, or surprise

      海拔  hǎibá  elevation; altitude; height above sea level

      海军  hǎijūn  navy; naval force

      海面  hǎimiàn  sea surface

      海峡  hǎixiá  strait; channel

      害虫  hàichóng  injurious insect; vermin; pest

      含糊  hánhu  ambiguous; vague; unsure; careless; perfunctory

      含量  hánliàng  content; quantity of an ingredient in a substance

      喊叫  hǎnjiào  shout; cry out; scream

      旱  hàn  dry; droughty; not related to water

      焊  hàn  solder; weld

      行  háng  line; row; trade; profession; trading company

      行列  hángliè  procession; rows and columns; ranks and files

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