


    学习心得 语风汉语学生Jennifer 我叫Jennifer,我非常喜欢在语风汉语无锡校学习汉语,这是一个非常好的学...

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      Improve your Chinese with famous quotes

      You can find below some famous quotes we like with Chinese characters, pinyin and English translation:

      类似的东西互相吸引是一基本法则,负面思考必定吸引负面结果,相反的,如果一个人习惯乐观并充满希望地思考,他正面的思维将启动创造性力量,成功将朝他移动,而不是躲避他。– 诺曼‧文森特‧皮尔

      `Lèisì de dōngxī hùxiāng xīyǐn shì yī jīběn fǎzé, fùmiàn sīkǎo bìdìng xīyǐn fùmiàn jiéguǒ, xiāngfǎn de, rúguǒ yīgè rén xíguàn lèguān bìng chōngmǎn xīwàng de sīkǎo, tā zhèngmiàn de sīwéi jiāng qǐdòng chuàngzàoxìng lìliàng, chénggōng jiāng cháo tā yídòng, ér bùshì duǒbì tā.'– Nuò màn‧wén sēn tè‧pí'ěr

      “There is a basic law that like attracts like. Negative thinking definitely attracts negative results. Conversely, if a person habitually thinks optimistically and hopefully, his positive thinking sets in motion creative forces. And success, instead of eluding him, flows toward him.”– Norman Vincent Peale

      成功不是快乐的关键,快乐才是成功的关键,如果你热爱你做的事,你将会是一个成功者。– 艾伯特‧史怀哲

      Chénggōng bùshì kuàilè de guānjiàn, kuàilè cái shì chénggōng de guānjiàn, rúguǒ nǐ rè'ài nǐ zuò de shì, nǐ jiāng huì shì yīgè chénggōng zhě. – Ài bó tè‧shǐhuáizhé

      “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you'll be a success.”– Albert Schweitzer

      你梦想变得不可能的唯一地方是在你自己的想法里。– 罗伯特‧舒勒

      `Nǐ mèngxiǎng biàn dé bù kěnéng de wéiyī dìfāng shì zài nǐ zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ lǐ.'– Luōbótè‧shū lēi

      “The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.”– Robert H. Schuller

      不是你来自哪里;你要去哪里才是重要的。– 艾拉‧费兹洁拉

      'bùshì nǐ láizì nǎlǐ; nǐ yào qù nǎlǐ cái shì zhòngyào de.'– Ài lā‧fèi zī jié lā

      “It isn't where you came from; it's where you're going that counts.”– Ella Fitzgerald

      过去的没办法改变,但未来还在你的掌握之中。– 休‧怀特

      Guòqù de méi bànfǎ gǎibiàn, dàn wèilái hái zài nǐ de zhǎngwò zhī zhōng.'– Xiū‧huáitè

      “The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.”– Hugh White

      持负面心态的人绝不会成功,我从没听过一个正面见解是出自持负面思维的人。– 杰伊‧萨米特

      Chí fùmiàn xīntài de rén jué bù huì chénggōng, wǒ cóng méi tīngguò yīgè zhèngmiàn jiànjiě shì chūzì chí fùmiàn sīwéi de rén.– Jié yī‧sà mǐ tè

      “A negative mind will never find success. I have never heard a positive idea come from a person in a negative state.”– Jay Samit

      你打算做什么改变?为了做你从没做过的事,你必须成为另外一个人。– 莱斯‧布朗

      `Nǐ dǎsuàn zuò shénme gǎibiàn? Wèile zuò nǐ cóng méi zuòguò de shì, nǐ bìxū chéngwéi lìngwài yīgè rén.'– Lái sī‧bùlǎng

      “What is it that you're going to do differently? In order to do something you've never done, you have to become someone you've never been.”– Les Brown

      做你不喜欢的事,都有可能失败了,那何不一开始就选择你热爱的事。— 金凯瑞

      `Zuò nǐ bù xǐhuān de shì, dōu yǒu kěnéng shībàile, nà hébù yī kāishǐ jiù xuǎnzé nǐ rè'ài de shì.' — Jīnkǎi ruì

      "You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love".— Jim Carrey

      往前注视你能做的事,不是往后看你不能改变的。– 汤姆‧克兰西

      Wǎng qián zhùshì nǐ néng zuò de shì, bùshì wǎng hòu kàn nǐ bùnéng gǎibiàn de.'– Tāngmǔ‧kè lán xī

      “Fix your eyes forward on what you can do, not back on what you cannot change.”– Tom Clancy

      假若你没有犯错,你就是不够努力。– 文斯‧隆巴迪

      `Jiǎrú nǐ méiyǒu fàncuò, nǐ jiùshì bùgòu nǔlì.'– Wén sī‧lóng bā dí

      “If you're not making mistakes, you're not trying hard enough.”– Vince Lombardi

      假若你没有犯错,你就是不够努力。– 文斯‧隆巴迪

      Jiǎrú nǐ méiyǒu fàncuò, nǐ jiùshì bùgòu nǔlì.– Wén sī‧lóng bā dí

      Improve your Chinese with famous quotes

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