


    学习心得 语风汉语学生Jennifer 我叫Jennifer,我非常喜欢在语风汉语无锡校学习汉语,这是一个非常好的学...

    语风汉语无锡校 Zack
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    学习心得 语风汉语学生Florent 我非常喜欢无锡语风汉语学校,这里真的有最简单的汉语学习方法,我学习汉...

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      Wuxi Mandarin Education School

      The Confucius Institute of Musashino University was officially unveiled on October 13, 2015. Since its establishment, Confucius Institute has achieved fruitful results in promoting Chinese teaching activities and carrying out cultural exchanges. The Confucius Institute has played an important role in teaching and cultural exchanges and cooperation, providing a good platform for Chinese language teaching at Musashino University, and the Council has played an active role in institutional development and Chinese and foreign cooperation. In terms of the management system construction such as personnel and financial education archives, it can be said that the most advanced management methods in the world have been adopted. The data and data of various parties have achieved statistical accuracy. Various cultural activities have been welcomed by the vast number of students and the community. The following are the key points.
      1, Chinese teaching activities
      Confucius College of Musashino University has more than a dozen courses such as Chinese conversation introduction, Chinese conversation junior, Chinese conversation junior intermediate, Chinese conversation intermediate, Chinese business conversation intermediate, Chinese business conversation advanced, HSK Chinese exam tutorial class and listening to journalism Chinese. In addition, there are Taijiquan and calligraphy classes that teach Chinese traditional culture. The content of Chinese courses includes, for example, an introductory course in Chinese conversation, which is mainly aimed at Chinese beginners. It pays attention to basic Chinese pronunciation training, self-introduction, questioning time and places, and other daily life conversations. It takes about one semester to learn. Let the students master about 200 words, pay attention to reading and conversational exercises, so that the students can improve their conversational ability on the basis of firmly mastering Chinese pronunciation; Another example is the Chinese conversation primary course, which is aimed at students who master Chinese pronunciation. While mastering the basic grammar, pay attention to the study of daily conversations and master about 250 Chinese words. Second, as a combination of recording, students can learn independently at home and use small class teaching to meet the learning needs of each learner.
      Cultural activities
      The first is that Musashino University, which is a series of activities of Confucius Institute, successfully held the first Chinese speech competition. On September 24, the first Chinese speech competition hosted by Confucius Institute of Musashino University. The title is "I and Chinese". It was held in the Ming Campus of Musashino University and opened the prelude to the first Confucius Institute Day since the establishment of the Confucius Institute of Musashino University. The Chinese speaking competition was strongly supported by the Chinese Embassy in Japan. Representatives of the Japan-China Friendship Association of West Tokyo City, Confucius Institute of Engineering College, and Kanto International High School Support Unit observed the competition. Professor Chenshumei, lecturer of Japanese NHK Chinese lectures, Mr. Tianjiu, former vice president of the Japan-China Friendship Association of West Tokyo City, Professor Luandianwu, Japanese President of Confucius Institute, and expert teachers served as judges. The second is to introduce Chinese cultural activities through university festivals. The Dawn Festival is a cultural festival of Musashino University. It mainly introduces Chinese traditional culture to Chinese students. Let Japanese students better understand China and Chinese culture. The Dawn Festival is a cultural festival of Musashino University. It is held on two campuses. So far, the Dawn Festival has been held for four times. The activities include Chinese tea art performances, Chinese minority costume performances, historical buildings in Tianjin, China, and photo exhibitions of new features in the city. The Musashino University campus will have about 3,000 students and ordinary citizens participating in cultural activities.
      3, features and innovative projects,
      The Confucius Institute's Chenglijinian speech is worth introducing as the first choice for features and innovation projects. On June 29, 2016, to commemorate the establishment of the Confucius Institute, the Confucius Institute of Musashino University was promoted to increase its influence through commemorative speeches. Invite Minister Counsellor Huzhiping of the Education Department of our Embassy in Japan to make a speech. Hugongshi worked at the headquarters of the Hanban Office and was concerned about the promotion of Chinese in Japan. The conference will invite relevant personnel from the Chinese Embassy, relevant people from the China-Japan friendship groups in Japan, as well as media and China-Japan friendship people from all walks of life. It has improved the popularity and influence of Confucius Institute of Musashino University.
      Followed by the activities of Tianjin Summer Camp of Confucius Institute of Musashino University. From September 1 to 15, 2016, we intensified exchanges with cooperative institutions. Professor Luandianwu, the Japanese president of Confucius Institute, led undergraduate students to Tianjin to participate in summer camp activities, learn Chinese, visit Tianjin's cities, and experience real modern China. During the period of the establishment of the Chinese language course in Tianjin, he continued to learn Chinese and participated in cultural experience activities such as: Tai Chi, calligraphy, dumplings and other activities. In addition to studying Chinese, visiting Beijing and Tianjin historical sites has personally experienced modern cities in China. Communication with local Chinese and Chinese college students has improved Chinese language skills. By participating in summer camp activities, three undergraduate students participating in summer camp activities will study at Tianjin Foreign Studies University next spring.
      4, Media coverage
      Opening Ceremony of Confucius Institute of Musashino University; Memorial lecture on the establishment of the Confucius Institute of Musashino University; The success of the cultural day series of activities of Confucius Institute of Musashino University; The first Chinese Speech Competition at Confucius College of Musashino University; In 2016, the Japan Confucius Institute's governing agreement will be successfully concluded at the University of Engineering; The Confucius Institute, a celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Confucius Institute of the University of Sakurameilin;
      The People's Daily's People's Network and the university campus website have carried out detailed and in-depth reports on the above activities.
      5, Recognition and evaluation in the community
      Since the establishment of the Confucius Institute of Musashino University, it has received an exclusive interview with the Japan-China Friendship Association. The Taijiquan instructor of Confucius College of Musashino University won the championship of Japan's National selection competition and received high praise from people. On Sunday, October 30, 2016, the 24th Saitama Martial Arts Taijiquan Competition was held in Saitama Prefecture. The contest was jointly organized by the Saitama Martial Arts Taijiquan Alliance and the Saitama County Sports Association. Hundreds of Chinese and Japanese players from all over Saitama Prefecture participated. The competition has a martial arts department and a Taijiquan department. At the Taijiquan Department's Sun's Taijiquan National Selection Competition, the Taijiquan instructor Liuyingxuan won the championship with a high score of 8.76 and will represent Saitama. County will participate in the Japan National Martial Arts Taijiquan Competition held in Tokyo in July next year.
      The Confucius Institute of Musashino University, as a newly established Confucius Institute, must draw on the successful experience of its brothers, make use of the University's unique geographical advantages, and cooperate closely with enterprises, and develop a series of high-quality business Chinese teaching materials. To serve the society and promote economic exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan.

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