


    学习心得 语风汉语学生Jennifer 我叫Jennifer,我非常喜欢在语风汉语无锡校学习汉语,这是一个非常好的学...

    语风汉语无锡校 Zack
    学习心得 语风汉语无锡校 Zack 我叫Zack,我是法国人,无锡语风汉教中心是一个学习中国文化和对外汉语的好...

    学习心得 语风汉语学生Kevin 语风汉语是一个最理想的学习汉语和中国文化的好地方,学校给我们提供了很多...

    学习心得 语风汉语学生Florent 我非常喜欢无锡语风汉语学校,这里真的有最简单的汉语学习方法,我学习汉...

    学习心得 语风汉语学生Brad 我叫Brad,我是澳大利亚人,我再语风汉语学校学习汉语。我现在可以独立和我的...

    学习心得 苏州汉语学生Jude 我叫Jude,在苏州语风汉语学校学习汉语,我也在无锡语风汉语学校学习过很长时间...

    学习心得 无锡语风汉语学校Jessie 我学习汉语已经八年了,我能听明白别人说汉语,但是我自己说汉语却觉得说...

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      Wuxi Mandarin Education School

      In order to promote the spread of Chinese language and culture in the world, Fudan University, with the guidance and help of the Hanban Office, has established seven Confucius Institutes with overseas friendship schools. Confucius Institute mainly set up Chinese teaching projects, supplemented by China's thematic activities, to provide more and better opportunities and services for promoting Chinese and foreign exchanges and cooperation. The seven Confucius Institutes established by Fudan University are: Confucius Institute in Stockholm, Confucius Institute in Auckland, Confucius Institute in Frankfurt, Confucius Institute in Hamburg, Confucius Institute in Edinburgh, Confucius Institute in Nottingham and Confucius Institute in Sydney.
      The Confucius Institute Affairs Office of Fudan University is set up in the Foreign Affairs Office and is co-operated with the Foreign Affairs Office. As an on-campus function agency corresponding to the National Han Office, it coordinates the coordination and support of the seven Confucius Institutes that Fudan University has participated in the construction. The duties of the Confucius Institute Office are:
      1) Responsible for the work of Confucius Institute jointly established by our school and seven universities in Oceania, Europe.
      In accordance with the requirements of the Confucius Institute headquarters/state offices and schools, relevant policies and regulations of the state and schools shall be implemented, and according to the development situation of Confucius Institutes, schools shall be advised to adjust corresponding regulations and measures in a timely manner.
      3, coordinate with the National Hanban / Confucius Institute headquarters, foreign cooperation universities, etc. to communicate and coordinate daily affairs; Coordinate the communication and daily affairs management of the seven Confucius Institutes;
      4, in coordination with relevant functional departments and departments of the school, jointly complete the recruitment, selection, dispatch and management of Chinese Dean, Chinese teacher and Chinese teacher volunteers of Confucius Institute;
      5, for the Confucius Institute sent by our school to provide Chinese Dean, Chinese teachers and Chinese teacher volunteers to provide consultation and guidance services;
      6) Planning and implementing overseas education and cultural promotion projects related to the Confucius Institute project;
      7,. Undertake other tasks assigned by the HAN/Confucius Institute headquarters and schools;
      Publicity work on scholarships for Confucius Institutes and Confucius Institutes.
      In December 2008, at the 3rd Confucius Institute Conference held by the National Chinese International Promotion Leading Group, 249 Confucius Institutes and 56 Confucius Classrooms around the world selected 20 advanced Confucius Institutes, including the Confucius Institute of Edinburgh, which was built by Fudan University in the United Kingdom and Auckland Confucius Institute in New Zealand. This is already the second time that the two colleges have won this honor after the second Confucius Institute General Assembly in 2007.
      In 2012, Fudan University received a medal from the "Advanced China Cooperative College" awarded by the Chinese National Office of the People's Republic of China. The Scottish Confucius Institute in Edinburgh and the Confucius Institute in Auckland, New Zealand once again won the title of "Advanced Confucius Institute".

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