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      Wuxi Mandarin Education School

      The Confucius Institute of the University of Lisbon, Portugal is a Chinese language and cultural communication base established by the National Hanban Office and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. On January 31, 2007, Xulin, Director General of the National Han Office, and Professor Antonio, President of the University of Lisbon, signed the relevant documents for the establishment of the Confucius Institute of the University of Lisbon at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Portuguese Prime Minister Gaokexiang attended the signing ceremony of the document. On April 8, 2008, Chinese Ambassador to Portugal Zhaoguocheng, Deputy Director of the Chinese Office of the Chinese People's Government and Deputy Director General of the Confucius Institute, Wen Jiabao, and Portuguese representatives from all walks of life attended the opening ceremony of the Confucius Institute. On the eve of President Hu Jintao's visit to Portugal in November 2010, the Portuguese President gave a written interview to Xinhua News Agency. When talking about cultural exchanges between the two countries, President Silva pointed out in particular that "the Confucius Institute built in Lisbon has played a very good role in this regard. Promoting role", Positive comments were made on the Confucius Institute of Lisbon University.
      In the past decade, the Confucius Institute of the University of Lisbon has been adhering to the connotation of development, providing high-quality Chinese teaching courses for all types of students, and gradually forming a unique training model for the "basic Chinese + professional Chinese + practice". Basic Chinese courses such as entry classes, primary classes, intermediate classes, and advanced classes have been developed. According to the syllabus formulated by the college, diversified teaching methods have been adopted to highlight the training of students 'Chinese application capabilities. On this basis, the college also developed professional Chinese courses such as business Chinese, travel Chinese, language and culture to meet the needs of various types of students in society. After completing the professional Chinese study, the college arranges to practice in domestic enterprises or institutions according to the wishes of the students. In addition, Confucius Institute also offers Chinese language courses for full-time college students at the University of Lisbon, and the corresponding credits are included in the European Credit System. The Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science and Technology issued a document establishing the Confucius Institute as one of the five major specialized institutions of the University of Lisbon. It determined the orientation and development direction of the Confucius Institute from the institutional level, and provided a fundamental guarantee for the sustainable development of the Confucius Institute. The Confucius Institute gave full play to its regional advantages. It opened the first Confucius classroom in the top 20 schools in Portugal and conducted Chinese teaching and cultural activities for more than 1,500 students, marking the beginning of Chinese education in the Portuguese primary and secondary school teaching system.
      While offering high-quality Chinese courses, the Confucius Institute also actively carries out colorful cultural activities, regularly holds celebrations related to traditional Chinese festivals, introduces Portuguese people to traditional Chinese culture, and appreciates the charm of Chinese culture and art. Can also deeply understand the spirit and civilization of the Chinese nation. In addition to holding regular exhibitions or lectures on Chinese paper-cutting art, calligraphy, Taijiquan, tea art, and knitting Chinese knot, which reflect Chinese traditional culture, the Confucius Institute has gradually increased the display and promotion of contemporary Chinese culture. Such as the Chinese Film Festival, the 60-year photo exhibition of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the large-scale literary tour of the Chinese Hanban, and the appreciation of contemporary Chinese literary works. In order to expand the influence of Chinese culture among the local people, the Confucius Institute has also actively implemented the "going out" strategy. Through cooperation with local cultural institutions, it has jointly organized a number of Chinese art performances and cultural displays, which have been warmly welcomed by the local people. At Portugal's largest university education exhibition in 2017, the cultural display of the Confucius Institute was positively evaluated by the Portuguese President. After years of hard work, the cultural brand created by the Lisbon Confucius Institute is taking root.
      With the rapid development of exchanges and cooperation between China and Portugal, the bridge role of Confucius Institute has become more and more prominent. In order to promote the connotation development of Confucius Institute and enhance its research platform, Lisbon University and Tianjin Foreign Studies University decided to set up a "Chinese Language and Culture Center" at Confucius Institute. It provides a platform for exchanges, discussions and cooperation between experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, government officials, and people from all walks of life between the two universities and the two countries. It is believed that the establishment of the center will promote exchanges and cooperation in relevant fields between the two countries and add new impetus to the sustainable development of the Confucius Institute.

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