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0086 1866 1199 988
无锡新区长江一号 茂业
Wuxi Mandarin Education School
Huangshan is a mountain range in southern Anhui province in eastern China. Vegetation on the range is thickest below 1,100 meters (3,600 ft), with trees growing up to the tree line at 1,800 meters (5,900 ft).
The area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, Huangshan pine trees, hot springs, winter snow, and views of the clouds from above. Huangshan is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of China's major tourist destinations.
Now you can experience the magic of Chinese mountains yourself with our limited-time travel package as follows:
For 789 RMB, our group will leave for Huangshan on Friday 27th July.
The first day, after a 5.5-hour bus ride, you will arrive at the foot of Huangshan, you will then be taken to dine. After your dinner, you will be taken to the Xin’anjiang Hubin Gallery (free entrance, boat 60 RMB/per, duration: 1h), New Century Square, The Rope Bridge, Xieyu Museum (AAA). Your Friday night will be over by us taking you to your hotel (4-star, Breakfast included; if you want a single room, you will need to pay 80 RMB extra).
The second day, you will be exploring the full charm of Huangshan after breakfast. All cable car rides and transportations will be at your expense. Price for cable car: 80-90/per, transportation within tourist spot: 38 RMB/per. Hotel room types in the tourist spot of Huangshan: 8-person room with bathroom and TV, no toiletries; Double room with bathroom and TV, no toiletries; Single room, need for an extra payment of 600 RMB on top of the base price 1280 RMB (au lieu of 798 RMB).
On your last day of trip, you will be witnessing the breath-taking sun rising of Huangshan (if the weather permits), and then (transportation at your own expense) you’ll be taken to the Xieyu Tea Garden, famous for its history and good-quality tea production. In the afternoon, you will be returning to Wuxi by bus.
Remarks: Only one breakfast is included for the base price; for the entrance of the tourist spot of Huangshan, you’ll need to pay an extra of 115 RMB if you’re over 18 and under 60 years old; buses between Wuxi and Huangshan are air-conditioned.
Add our WeChat contact (ID: 18661199988) and follow the instructions given to send us your passport information, if you would like to participate in the travel plan above. The deadline for purchasing our travel package will be July 26th at 12:00. So, hurry up!
Wuxi Mandarinedu
Wuxi HSK test Center