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      by GBTIMES Beijing Nov 27, 2015 05:50

      Thanksgiving is celebrated by American and Canadian families every November, but while they sit around the table for a roast turkey dinner, many Chinese were celebrating the holiday in their own ways... by shopping online.

      In recent years, every holiday, be it a Chinese one or a Western one, has become a shopping festival in the Middle Kingdom and sometimes it seems like the Chinese are more into celebrating Western holidays than some Westerners.

      Thanksgiving originated in the 1620s when Pilgrims and Puritans began immigrating to North America from England. Squanto, a Patuxet Native American who resided with the Wampanoag tribe, taught the Pilgrims how to catch eels and grow corn.

      Meanwhile, the Wampanoag leader Massasoit had given food to the colonists during the first winter when supplies brought from England were insufficient. In 1621, the Pilgrims celebrated at Plymouth for three days after their first harvest.

      By the beginning of the 19th century, the final Thursday in November had become the customary date of Thanksgiving Day in most US states. Family, food and American football can pretty much sum up the holiday over there.

      Similar to the States, Thanksgiving is also celebrated in Canada, but on the second Monday of October.

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      Dec 23, 2015 10:01 Christmas netizens social media

      After knowing the story of the holiday, do you think Chinese people should celebrate it? Here is a sample of comments collected from various Chinese social media:

      @BerryMei: Why not? Let's have fun!

      @Carrolllili: I don't have a clear answer. But the good part of the holiday is to be grateful. I want to thank my parents for raising me up, my teachers and friends for encouraging me, as well as all who have helped me.

      @DaiShuTiao: Meh, I don't know. If I wanted to and had friends celebrating it, I might give it a go, but it would just be an excuse to hang with friends for a drink. I guess people should celebrate what they want~

      @Normal-Abnormal: I think it's good that the holiday reminds people to be thankful in today's utilitarian society. However, making holidays too commercial is definitely over the line. If you have a grateful heart, you can thank people around you whenever.

      @MiRyeRye: I say Nah! To my knowledge, Thanksgiving is basically a celebration of killing & bullying Native Americans... And now we kill turkeys... Alas, let's all be very thankful that we are not turkeys...

      @-Hello-W: Well, I'm a bit worried about the fact that Chinese holidays are not as influential as Western holiday. Now people like to celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving and Halloween, but don't even know the customs of some traditional Chinese holidays... It's a pity :-(

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