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    Mandarin Student Zack
    Mandarin Education School is a great place to learn Chinese and Chinese Culture.I've learned a lot in this school, my Chine...

    Learn Chinese Travel China
    If you want to learn Chinese and also discover China, Mandarin Education organize the most funny and cultural study tour. The...

    suzhou Mandarin Jude
    I am Jude, I am learning Mandarin in Suzhou Mandarin School,I was learning in Wuxi Mandarin Education too.I like my Chinse Teacher...

    chinese class
    Improve your reading, speaking and your writing by experiencing our teaching methods,Offer free student Visa. ...

    Wuxi Mandarin Jessie
    I've learned Chinese for almost 8 years, I can understand what Chinese people say,but when I speak, I feel very uncomfor...

    Chinese Internship or Jobs
    You are looking for a professional experience abroad? Get the opportunity to discover the Chinese business,Look for an ...

    Mandarinedu Student Florent
    I love my Wuxi Mandarin Education School. It is the EASY MANDARIN Learning way, I am learning faster than I wanted.My teach...

    Mandarin E Learning
    Mandarin Education School offers you Online Chinese Courses. It has never been so easier to have Chinese courses ...

    Mandarin Student Brad
    I am studying Chinese in Mandarin Education School. I can speak quit good Chinese and talk to Chinese people by myself. Thank...

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      Wechat: MandarinGroup

      to get more informations

      School Telephone:

      0086 1866 1199 988

      0086  510-81151808






      Mandarin Education School

      Room 405, 4 Fl,Building No.8,

      Maoye Business Center,

      Chang jiang No.1,

      New district , Wuxi City , China






      Jingwei reclamation

      Long long ago, Emperor Yan had a daughter called a Nvwa. Emperor Yan liked her very much and often took her to the East China Sea to swim. Nvwa was very brave and never feared. When Nvwa grows up, she goes swimming in the East China Sea every day. One day, she was unfortunately drowned in the sea. After the Nvwa's death, she became a bird. Every day, she brought stones and vegetation from the mountains and put them into the East China Sea. Then she made sound like "Jingwei Jingwei", as if calling for herself.

      The bird determined to fill the East China Sea.

      This idiom is a metaphor for perseverance and unremitting efforts.

      정위가 바다를 메우다.

      전설에 따르면,오래 전에,염제에게 정위라는 딸이 있었는데,염제는 그녀를 매우 좋아했다고 합니다.자주 그녀를 동해로 데리고 가서 수영을 하곤 했다.정위는 매우 용감하여 거센 바람과 파도가 항상 두려워하지 않는다.정위는 어른이 되면 매일 스스로 동해로 수영하러 가야 한다.어느날 그녀는 불행히도 바다에 빠져 죽었다.정위는 죽어서 한 마리 새가 되어 산에서 매일 돌과 초목을 물고 동해에 투입되었다가 “정위” “정위”라는 소리를 내며 자신을 부르는 것 같았다.

      정위는 날이 갈수록,해가 갈수록,완강하게 계속하여 동해를 평평하게 메울 결심을 하였다.

      이 성어는 뜻을 굽히지 않고 꾸준히 노력함을 비유한다.

      후세 사람들은 늘 "정위매해"라는 성어로 깊은 원한을 비유하여, 뜻을 세우면 반드시 갚는다.어려운 고비를 두려워하지 않고 굽히지 않는 굳은 결심을 비유하기도 한다.

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