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    Mandarin Student Zack
    Mandarin Education School is a great place to learn Chinese and Chinese Culture.I've learned a lot in this school, my Chine...

    Learn Chinese Travel China
    If you want to learn Chinese and also discover China, Mandarin Education organize the most funny and cultural study tour. The...

    suzhou Mandarin Jude
    I am Jude, I am learning Mandarin in Suzhou Mandarin School,I was learning in Wuxi Mandarin Education too.I like my Chinse Teacher...

    chinese class
    Improve your reading, speaking and your writing by experiencing our teaching methods,Offer free student Visa. ...

    Wuxi Mandarin Jessie
    I've learned Chinese for almost 8 years, I can understand what Chinese people say,but when I speak, I feel very uncomfor...

    Chinese Internship or Jobs
    You are looking for a professional experience abroad? Get the opportunity to discover the Chinese business,Look for an ...

    Mandarinedu Student Florent
    I love my Wuxi Mandarin Education School. It is the EASY MANDARIN Learning way, I am learning faster than I wanted.My teach...

    Mandarin E Learning
    Mandarin Education School offers you Online Chinese Courses. It has never been so easier to have Chinese courses ...

    Mandarin Student Brad
    I am studying Chinese in Mandarin Education School. I can speak quit good Chinese and talk to Chinese people by myself. Thank...

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      School Telephone:

      0086 1866 1199 988

      0086  510-81151808






      Mandarin Education School

      Room 405, 4 Fl,Building No.8,

      Maoye Business Center,

      Chang jiang No.1,

      New district , Wuxi City , China





      Chen Fan aspire to

      In the eastern han dynasty, there was a young man named Chen fan, who was pretentious and only wanted to do great things. His father's friend xue qin criticized him: "why don't you clean the room, the guests came to see so messy is not good!" Chen fan replied, "I am a man who can do great things. How can I do this?" Xue qin immediately asked: "you can't even clean up a room, what can you do?" Chen fan suddenly did not know

      【 story enlightenment 】 small is the foundation of big, big is the accumulation of small, everything starts from small things, can achieve great cause. This young man to pay attention to the accumulation of detail, change a little bit of today, tomorrow's efforts, the day after tomorrow is learning, so constantly accumulate over a long period, to a certain extent, reached a tipping point, you will change the quality of, will be the difference with the others, the gap, is what you after efforts reach a critical point. When the accumulation of details to a certain critical point, there is a mutation, the mutation is often in the unconscious, the unconscious is the accumulation of quantity.

      In fact, no matter the study or the future career, we should start from the small things, from the "sweep a house" to start, in the future can have the opportunity to "sweep the world".how to answer.

      진번이 뜻을 세우다

      동한 때 한 소년의 이름은 진번으로,스스로 비범하다고 여기다,오로지 큰 일만 생각하다.자기가 살던 집은 지저분하고 지저분했지만 좀처럼 치우지 않았다.그의 아버지의 친구 설근은 "당신은 왜 방 청소를 안 하느냐.천번은“난 큰일을 하는 사람이야 어떻게 이걸 할 수 있지?”설근당은 "방 하나 제대로 못 치우는데 무슨 큰일을 하겠느냐"고 반문했다.진번은 어떻게 대답해야 할지 몰랐다.

      [이야기 깨우침] 작은 것은 큰 기초요, 큰 것은 작은 것의 축적이요, 모든 것은 작은 것에서부터 시작해야 큰 일을 이룰 수 있다.이것은 젊은이들이 세부적인 축적, 오늘의 약간의 변화, 내일의 약간의 노력, 후천적인 조금의 공부에 치중해야 한다는 것을 시사하는 것으로, 어느 정도 시간이 지나 하나의 임계점에 도달하면, 당신의 질량이 변화하고, 다른 사람과 격차가 벌어진다.디테일이 일정한 임계점에 쌓이면 돌연변이가 생기고, 돌연변이는 종종 자기도 모르는 사이에 일어나며, 이것은 어느새 양의 축적이 됩니다.

        공부든, 앞으로의 사업이든 우리는 작은 일에서부터 시작해서 집안 청소부터 해야 나중에 천하를 쓸 수 있는 기회가 생긴다.

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